My Wild Stepbrother Read online
Page 3
She nodded, sipped her beer, and inched over to the edge of the crowd. There were three guys in the band: a beefy drummer with waving dreadlocks, a dead skinny bass guitarist with a deathly pallor, and Steele, glistening from sweat, wearing leather pants and no shirt. His muscly torso gleamed under the stage lights, tattoos glistening as he strummed a sleek, black electric guitar and belted frenzied lyrics into the mike stand in front of him.
“Grab my chassis like we’re doubling down!” he screamed. “Breathe my kiss in like we’re going to drown!”
Grace laughed a little, the sound lost in the cheering crowd.
“Race my engine like we’re going to hell, like the day that Lucifer fell!”
Grace found herself swaying to the obnoxious tune, smirking at all of Steele’s corny lyrics, wondering if he meant them ironically or was simply giving the crowd what they wanted to hear.
She sipped her beer and grabbed another, finding an open booth and thinking herself happier than she’d been in months, maybe even since her Mom remarried. She’d never been to a concert before, let alone a heavy metal one, and never one where she knew someone in the band. The longer the show went on, the less corny the lyrics got. In fact, they were fairly catchy. After her third beer Grace even found herself singing along to lyrics she picked up on songs like “Road Hog” and “Bitch Seat,” which were surprisingly entertaining and as good as any of the crap she heard on the radio driving to and from school each day.
Finally the band did their last encore, a groovy, almost mellow tune called “Heartbreak Hangover.” It featured a blistering guitar solo that Grace never wanted to end. But it did, and after several rounds of applause, the dozen or so people who had stuck around to catch the last song roared with approval, mobbing the band as they put down their instruments and waded into the lingering crowd.
Grace sat straight, picking the label on her fresh beer nervously as she waited, wondering if Steele might spot her. If he did, he certainly took his time! After he signed a few autographs and T-shirts he made his way to the bar, settling up with Spike and hugging his band mates before they returned to the stage to break down their set.
At last he sauntered over, beer in hand, cocky grin on his face. “So, you finally made it, huh?”
“I’m glad I did,” she gushed.
“Really?” His confused expression made it clear that he wasn’t sure if Grace was messing with him or not.
“Yeah, really!”
He leaned back against the booth across from her, looking relieved. “No shit? I thought you’d hate it.”
“Me too!” she confessed, and they laughed while sipping their beers. “But honestly, and I’m not just saying this because we’re kind of, sort of related, but… you’re really good.”
“Thanks,” he teased. “That means a lot coming from a noted metal aficionado like yourself.”
She ignored the crack. “Do you write all those songs?”
He nodded, suddenly bashful. “Every one.”
“Wow Steele,” she gushed, legitimately impressed. “That’s awesome.”
“Bullshit,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re just shining me on.”
“Bullshit back,” she said. “I would never do that.”
“Okay, which is your favorite song then?”
She nodded toward the stage which practically barren now, his other band mates long gone. “That last one,” she admitted. “Heartbreak Hangover or whatever.”
“It’s new,” he said. “I kind of like it too.”
They sat in the emptying bar, peering back and forth at each other, okay with the comfortable silence that followed their almost giddy exchange. Steele looked handsome and lean in the dim bar lighting, but more-so he looked captivated with Grace. Forget the dive bar and the smoky air, the throb of electric guitar still echoing in her ears, and the sweat still drying on his skin. Steele made her feel like she was more than just his biggest fan. He made her feel like he wanted her. She knew it was wrong, but there was no denying anymore that she wanted him.
“Thanks for inviting me,” she said, almost shyly.
“I can’t believe you came,” he said, signaling Spike for two more beers.
“Well, how could I deny that very personal invitation?” she purred. “How did you know where I’d be?”
He shrugged. “Your Mom said you were taking weekend classes at the community college, so I saw your car and figured it might be kind of cool if you came to check me out.”
“Well,” she sighed, watching Spike approach with the beers. “I’m glad you did.”
“Me too,” he admitted before turning to grin at the bartender.
“Great show tonight, Steele,” said the grizzled old man, sliding the beers on the table. “I’m heading out. You still got your key to lock up?”
Grace made a move to leave, and Steele waved his hand in a “stay” gesture that she found totally sexist and completely sexy. “Sure thing, Spike, and thanks for the beers.”
Spike winked at Grace. “Don’t thank me,” he chuckled to himself, shuffling toward a back exit. “It’s your payment for tonight!”
Grace listened to the opening and shutting of a back door before turning back to Steele. “He lets you just close his bar like that?”
“Actually,” Steele chuckled, waving a skull keychain playfully. “I kind of own the bar.”
“Wait… what?” she clucked. “You own Spike’s?”
“Well, technically Dad owns it, but my name is on the lease. It was part of the trust when I turned nineteen.”
“Spike’s okay with that?”
“Spike?” Steele snorted. “We kind of saved his ass taking the bar over a few years ago. He’s a great guy but a not so great a businessman. Now he’s got the note paid off, a nice chunk of change, and we pay him a weekly salary for the rest of his life. So, yeah… I guess you could say he’s okay with it.”
“That’s pretty generous of you,” Grace said. “And, don’t take it wrong, but that doesn’t really sound like your Dad.”
“It’s not like my Dad,” Steele agreed, standing from the booth and fiddling with something in his pockets. “But like I said, to forego cashing in my trust he made me a deal, and making Spike’s retirement a little easier was part of it.”
Grace watched him slink over to the jukebox in the corner, shoving a hand full of quarters into the softly glowing machine. She found it hard to reconcile the kind gesture of setting up an old man for the rest of his life, to say nothing of the heavy metal lyrics, with the sexy stud awash in the jukebox’s glow.
A slow song began to play, something soft and mellow from another era but not too long ago. He stood where he was and turned, offering her his hand. She shook her head, but he only offered his hand more strenuously. She laughed and felt the flush of excitement as she stood, knowing full well his eyes were watching her every move.
“Is that what you usually wear to class on a Saturday afternoon?” he asked knowingly as she accepted his hand. She looked down at her black bling tank top, silver crinkly skirt, and calf-high black boots.
“Sure, why not?” she lied.
“Tell the truth,” he murmured, drawing her closer into a smooth slow dance. His body was still warm and sticky from the show, even while keeping a somewhat respectful distance from her own. “You weren’t even tempted to show up here tonight?”
Grace took a breath, Steele’s hand warm in her own. “I was tempted, Steele,” she confessed, staring down at their feet gently shuffling in the sawdust on the wooden floor. “That’s why I tried to stay away.”
He pulled her closer, and despite her best intentions Grace let him. “There’s nothing wrong with temptation, Grace.”
“There is when we’re siblings, Steele.”
He laughed, and they were so close that Grace felt the vibrations in her own chest. “We’re about as related as you and Spike, Grace.”
She giggle and sunk her head into his chest. It was bare beneath the leather ve
st, and the smell of his cologne mixed with sweat was intoxicating. “Gross,” she murmured, and he laughed once more. Maybe that’s why she said it.
His hands slid around her waist. “You know what I mean,” he murmured into her hair, spilled high atop her head in a casual, rock concert up-do. “We’re just a boy and a girl whose parents happen to be married.”
“It’s still wrong,” she said, as if trying to convince herself.
“Does this feel wrong?” he asked, gently kissing her forehead.
She flinched at the electric kiss, so soft, gentle and unexpected. She didn’t answer right away, sensing that he was testing her, playing some kind of game. “No,” she gulp breathlessly into his chest.
“Does this feel wrong?” he asked, breath warm and moist as he gently nuzzled her ear.
“No,” she panted.
“Does this?” he asked, teasing her face upward with one finger while leaning forward to brush his lips against her own. She buckled against him and gushed, “No, Steele.”
He slid his hands up her sides, gathering her blouse and sliding beneath it. As they glanced across her nipples, already stiff and tender, he moaned with pleasure and asked, “Does this feel wrong?”
She shook her head and brushed his lips once more, murmuring, “No.”
His hands slid back down her body, slipping past the loose waistband of her skirt and down along her backside, gently cupping her cheeks and squeezing them. “Does this feel wrong?”
“God no,” she grunted as she peppered his bare chest with soft, feathery kisses.
While his left hand caressed her cheek and made quick work of her crumbling resolve, his right hand danced around to her front. She leaned, breathless, against him as his long, skinny fingers expertly slid beneath her panties, rasping along her carefully tended bush and found her moist, silky flower.
The sensation was sudden, erotic, and explosive. She gasped while biting down on her lips, eyelids fluttering open and shut as Steele began to gather her weeping juices and used them to tease her tender clit to life. She wanted him to stop, wanted herself to tell him to stop, but greedily she clung to his arms, eyes squeezed shut as he rubbed and fingered her more expertly than she’d ever been touched before – even by herself.
She heard herself moan, felt his breath come faster and harder as her slick juices and his grinding fingers became more audible and… and…
“Steele!” she gasped, pushing him away as if coming to her senses. He stood, mouth half-open, eyes wide, with a questioning look.
“What?” he asked, lifting his fingers to his lips and smirking as he began to suck them clean.
“Fuck…” she gushed, despite enjoying herself. “Do you ever quit?”
“Not when I see something I want, Grace.”
She shook her head. “I can’t, Steele. Can’t you see? It’s wrong!”
He smirked and approached, offering his two fingers to her lips. “Taste how wrong this is,” he flirted, and she playfully slapped his hand away.
“Take me home, please?” she begged, walking toward the front door. “Take me home before I do something I’ll regret.”
“Well,” he said, looking chagrined as he opened the front door. “The boys in the band gave me a ride here, and they left a while ago, so you have to take me home.”
“Perfect,” she murmured and walked out the door, finding her car alone in the deserted parking lot. He locked up behind them and dashed into the passenger seat just as she was turning the engine over.
Chapter 6
There was much she wanted to say on the way home, and yet the further they drove without speaking, the harder it was to speak. He sat quietly, long, and lanky in the passenger seat of her compact car. She felt antsy and anxious after the near-explosive climax he’d almost teased her into back in the bar, and was wishing she’d let him finish the job, since after all, they’d already committed the sin.
Now she’d have to be content with a trip to her “happy drawer” and a lifeless dildo to complete the transaction. “I’m sorry,” he said as she turned down their street. “I shouldn’t have taken it so far.”
“You weren’t alone,” she grumbled, more mad at herself than she was at him.
“I know, but I started it.”
“I let you.”
She had pulled into the sprawling driveway, parking in her usual space. “If you let me,” he asked, turning to her. “Why’d you stop me?”
“I don’t know,” she whimpered, feeling helpless and getting out from the car before he tempted her once more. “Where is everybody?”
“Didn’t you hear?” he asked, reaching for the back gate that led to the pool and pool house. “Mom and Dad went on a Mediterranean cruise.”
“What?” Grace paused, keys in hand. “When?”
“After our meeting with the trust lawyers this morning. I gave him another year before I cash out, and he took your mom on a cruise to celebrate. See how that works?”
“She never told me.”
“It was a surprise,” he said. “Check your phone.”
She scrambled for her backpack and grabbed her phone, realizing she’d left it in the car during Steele’s concert. Sure enough, a single text from her mother just after five read, “Baby, guess what? Chambers surprised me with a cruise! Off to the airport now, but I’ll text you when I land. Do me a favor while I’m gone, sweetie? Play nice to your stepbrother. It would mean a lot to Chambers if you two got along. Chat with you soon. Bon voyage!!! Xoxo.”
“Well shit,” she said, following Steele onto the pool deck as he locked the gate behind them.
“I would have told you sooner, but I thought you already knew.”
Steele was dragging off his vest, kicking off his boots, and reaching for his belt. “The hell are you doing?” Grace asked.
“I always go for a swim after a concert,” he said, tugging off his pants until he stood glistening and solid in a pair of clingy boxer briefs.
“Did we just not have a long discussion about temptation?” she asked.
He shrugged. “Then don’t watch.”
He stepped out of his briefs and turned slightly so that she could see his firm, bare ass before he stepped into the shallow end. The water swallowed him, clean and clear, and she watched his frame through the clear waters, a fierce summer heat overtook her. Overcome with desire, she could no longer control herself, and she began pulling her clothes off to follow.
She knew it was wrong, but something about finding the house empty and dark, with a naked, gorgeous stepbrother standing in the pool made Grace eager to finish what they’d already started.
“Whoa,” he said as she stood, naked and greedy, on the top step of the pool. “Stand right there,” he said, wading back toward her.
“But I’m hot and sweaty,” she whined, covering herself in shyness.
“Just how I like it,” he said, but she ignored him, self-conscious of her pale, thin body and eager to submerge herself. She slid completely into the water, basking in refreshment, only to find him peering at her when she rose.
“Is this wrong?” she cooed, leaning back against the pool deck as she stood, the water just above her waist.
He inched toward her with water beading off of his hard skin. “No more games,” he said, voice thick with emotion. “You can’t tease me like this anymore.”
“I’m not teasing you,” she purred as he slid his large hands around her narrow waist. “I’m… offering myself to you.” She could hardly believe the phrasing she’d used, but, then that’s what it amounted to.
“You sure?” he asked.
“Quit being so sensitive,” she teased. “I thought you were supposed to be some type of bad boy!”
He laughed and effortlessly lifted her onto the pool deck. She sat, slack-jawed and speechless, as he slid his hands along the top of her thighs. “I’m not here to be bad, Grace,” he hissed, sinking down between her legs. “I’m here to make you feel good.”
another word he kissed her clit, still tender and throbbing from their sexy dance back in Spike’s. She gushed and lay back slightly, propping herself up with open palms as she wrapped her thighs around his shoulders. His tongue was as tender as his fingers, maybe even more so, and before long her pussy was drooling with desire as she panted and pulsed beneath his lips.
He feasted on her feminine flesh, pausing from sucking and tonguing her throbbing bud to licking her generous folds, sliding his tongue inside her fiery, moist cavern. Each drag of his tongue, each press of his lips, each wash of his eager breath, found her closer to the climax his fingers had promised her earlier.
It eventually came, hard and fast, causing her to squeal aloud, glad for once the property lines were so generous in the neighborhood. Steele grabbed tightly onto her body as she released, extending her orgasm for as long as he could, despite her squiggling around furiously.
At last she could take no more, and pushing him away, slid further into the pool to drown her sweltering skin and throbbing pussy. “Come here,” she purred, taking him by the hand to the shallow end where, like a mannequin in a store display window, she pushed him onto the top step. He sat with legs in the water but his stiff, veiny cock glistening and free.
She lay between his legs, buoyant but balanced, clinging to his long, lean thighs as she peppered his fat, round head with soft kisses. He steadied himself with hands spread wide on the pool steps and murmured as she invited his cock into her mouth. He shivered with delight as her lips clung to his stiffened pole, as her tongue mined each fleshy moment, and her sucking and blowing grew more intense.
Normally she hated the idea of sucking cock but not with Steele. She wanted every hot, meaty inch of him inside her, and when she realized he was too big to make that happen, she contented herself with stroking the bottom few inches of his thick cock with an eager hand.
She enjoyed watching him squirm, lips pursed and pouty, eyes flickering with delight, body trembling as soft moans of pleasure drifted from his open mouth. She feasted on his flesh, much as he had hers, until he whimpered and writhed, until the water rippled from his grinding, thrusting ass, and she felt his throbbing quicken in her mouth.